Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Favourite Character

My favourite character is from a story series which was later adapted to a movie series called The Twilight Saga. My favourite character is Edward Cullen. He is a patient, charming, caring gentlemen who loves Bella Swan, his girlfriend and later wife with every fiber of his being. What I like about him is that even though he is a vampire who has to consume blood in order to survive he was compassionate and had enough will power to restrain himself from harming Bella. If he had lost even one ounce of self control, he could have killed her in a snap. Sometimes he is too over-controlling but he has good intentions and could sacrifice his happiness for the well-being of his loved ones. I also like the fact that he respects other people's privacy even though he can read everyone's minds except Bella, and he does not go around talking about people's personal thoughts.

He may not be the most perfect character in the world, but that is what makes him real. His character is always shown to be perfect, but even he has made mistakes in his life, which shows that he too has flaws like the rest of the people in the world. That is why he is my favourite character. Also, I do not like characters that are shown to be so perfect that they could do no wrong, as it is not realistic.